Favorite LPs, Reissues, Performances, and Singles 2011
Here is a ridiculously long year-end list. Nothing is “ordered” for the sheer fact that it would have taken twice as long to post. Favorite Live Performances TNV and Feelies- Prospect Park You- ESP TV Regal Degal- Flying Nun 30th Deaf Wish at Death by Audio Factory Floor at ATP Popstrangers at Lit Lounge The... [ Read More → ]
Industrial Records Announces it’s Official Re-activation, Re-releases Catalog Sept. 26th
I was pretty confused when I found a brand new copy of The Second Annual Report recently at the Philadelphia Record Exchange with an Industrial Records insignia printed on the back cover. Went to TG’s website and found that the band’s label is currently being reactivated: Industrial Records hereby announces it’s official re-activation. IR is... [ Read More → ]