Velvet Underground: Under Review and Recently Released Super 8 films
The Velvet Underground Under Review is a documentary reviewing the influential collective, a band that Lester Bangs claims started modern music. It features performances as well as “obscure footage,” interviews and photographs of and with Lou Reed, Andy Warhol, Sterling Morrison and John Cale. I keep falling asleep watching it, personally–but maybe someone out... [ Read More → ]

‘TG’s Desertshore- The Final Report’
The New Year finds Chris and Cosey in the studio working on TG’s ‘final’ studio album ‘Desertshore’ a reinterpretation of Nico’s third solo album from 1970, produced by John Cale and Joe Boyd. The front and back cover of Nico’s Desertshore feature stills from Phillippe Garrell’s 1972 film, La Cicatrice Intérieure (The Inner Scar) which... [ Read More → ]