Any ‘loyal’ reader or internet stalker will notice that the Straight to Video site has atrophied into a dead state over the last year.  Leaving the rest of the content on the site to ring out in “slo-mo backslide, down into the horrifying world that can appear when you combine too much smoke with psilocybin” to [mis]quote Doug Mosurock. I say this in jest, as the site has no loyal readership at this point, and it was never created for that person. The blog was conceived as a warm up exercise for my academic writing in graduate school at NYU, and I never thought anyone would ever read it at all to be honest. A good thing for freedom of expression, a not-so-good thing for actually trying to be heard. So what happened to Straight to Video, a once or future reader might ask.
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Well, after I finished grad school a few years back, the site continued with daily posts, thanks mainly to my desk job at the Brooklyn Museum. After working there for 5 years, I finally left to pursue a position with a certain record label, which will remain unnamed in Chicago. It was during this time that the website — along with many other things I cared about as a 27 year old human — retreated beyond my grasp. I moved out to Chicago knowing exactly two people after living in New York for 6 years and Ohio before that. I worked as the ‘publicist’ which naturally meant that I was working about 4 jobs at once- in an emotionally tumultuous cult-like panopticon-esque environment. So dear ‘reader’ you must understand not only the disgust that slowly brewed for disseminating any kind of news about music; and a general disdain for sharing my thoughts only to have them pirated (ok, this might be a little bit dramatic) but you get the point. Mainly, after working 10-12 hour days– I barely had the energy to open my computer after work, much less ‘explore’ my intellectual and creative interests.

The longer the site sat there without posts, the more intimidating it became to start it back up again. Thus, the title of the post, “Fear of the Blank Page”– (which was also a series I attempted to do in High School about how the blank page freaked me out. The actual work of art became a performance piece wherein I spoke my neurosis aloud about my inability to start drawing on a blank page. Needless to say, a teenager attempting at conceptual art in a public school didn’t fly due to ‘curriculum requirements’) But that all ends here and now– even though Straight to Video has continued on with various screening programs in New York, Chicago, and London– and somewhat as a DJ nite (does that even count??), it is here once again as an aforementioned dumping ground, *excuse me, PLATFORM*…