Favorite LPs, Reissues, Performances, and Singles 2011
Here is a ridiculously long year-end list. Nothing is “ordered” for the sheer fact that it would have taken twice as long to post. Favorite Live Performances TNV and Feelies- Prospect Park You- ESP TV Regal Degal- Flying Nun 30th Deaf Wish at Death by Audio Factory Floor at ATP Popstrangers at Lit Lounge The... [ Read More → ]

A Glimpse at Garbage and the Flowers
Former drummer Torben Tilly, now of Berlin based electronic duo Minit, described G&tF’s sound thusly: “There’s this crystalline structure of a song with its architecture of chords and idiomatic vocal melody. It’s something quite arcane and folkloric, owing a lot to Helen and Yuri Frusin’s song-writing and Helen Johnstones’ sapphirine voice. … These songs... [ Read More → ]