TV Party Documentary
In true democratic spirit of cable access TV and DIY ethics so associated with the revolutionary NYC show TV Party, some excellent person has shared the recent documentary of the show on Youtube. Much has been written on the now iconic show, so we’ll leave that at bay for now–but check this well-executed documentary out!... [ Read More → ]

Charles Atlas at Judson Church and Light Industry
“New York City 1988. Raging homophobia. A killer on the loose. Disco dancing till dawn. Performers struggle to survive. Delilah seduces Samson in song. Gender illusionists go shopping.” Samson and Delilah, 1991. Charles Atlas at Judson Church January 25th, 8:30 – 10:30 PM -Filmmaker in Person- Dirty Looks presents an evening of video work by... [ Read More → ]

Pina Bausch, founder of Tanztheater was not interested in how people moved, but rather, what moved them. Like Bausch, Friedman’s new 16mm film Dancer manifests dancers’ internal monologues through self-scripted movement. Dancer is the most recent film from a new body of work that focuses primarily on performance and public space. But there’s so... [ Read More → ]

Mono No Aware-2011 Program Lineup
Mono No Aware is an exhibition that will present an international program of expanded cinema performances. The program will present ephemeral works that emphasize the cinematic and phenomenological experience. Now that the internet, television, and cellphones have become an everyday vehicle for the moving image; audience experience and connectivity is significantly altered, and the basic... [ Read More → ]

Merce Cunningham, “Legacy Tour” final presentation at Next Wave Festival
If you missed the Legacy Tour this summer at the Joyce, now’s your (last) chance to catch these treasures in situ. A historic happening, BAM’s presentation of The Legacy Tour offers US audiences a final chance to see these large-scale repertory works performed by the Merce Cunningham Dance Company before the group’s disbandment at the... [ Read More → ]
Merce Cunningham: Legacy at Joyce
Sometimes inevitable, the ephemerality of art is a blessing and a curse. While it can be difficult to think about an expiration or even death of a work of art, it simultaneously ensures it’s integrity. This is especially the case with dance, because it is so difficult to preserve. Video documentation is often subjective, and... [ Read More → ]
Trisha Brown: Opal Loop: Cloud Installation #72503, 1980 at Dia Beacon
After an enjoyable late morning train ride on the Metro-North, a classmate and I joined in the sizable line which snaked through Dia: Beacon of art cognescenti, who had gathered for a rare treat; the opportunity to see the Trisha Brown Dance Company perform within Dia: Beacon’s gallery space. For the first performance, the audience... [ Read More → ]
Video Witch: Joan Jonas’ shamanistic approach to performance
I had no idea what to expect for the performance billed ‘Joan Jonas reading Dante.’ I read the Performa summary, which lent almost no information, as well an ArtForum article about the work as instantiated for the 2008 Biennale of Sydney and some other scraps; yet nowhere in the limited information that I could cobble... [ Read More → ]