STV002- Sandra Bell: Dreams of Falling out June 24th
R. Kellie
on 05/26/16
Sandra Bell Dreams Of Falling LP out June 24, 2016 via Straight to Video Records Review Copies Available Dreams Of Falling holds a singular place in both Sandra Bell’s discography and the evolution of New Zealand’s underground music. Bell is a singer, songwriter and poet, currently residing in Auckland, New Zealand, who has... [ Read More → ]

The Creative Works of Chris Knox 1965-2014 an Interview
R. Kellie
on 08/21/14
Stumbled upon a treasure trove an amazing body of work pulled together– just shy of 50 years worth, actually– by the musician, painter, video artist, comic artist, filmmaker, all around creative, and KIWI icon, Chris Knox. Astonishingly, there has not yet been a monograph of Chris’ visual artwork– appropriately contextualizing it through the years. There’s... [ Read More → ]

Bruce Russell on ‘Time To Go-The Southern Psychedelic Moment: 1981-86’
R. Kellie
on 03/27/12
Really can’t say how stoked I was to stumble 15 minutes late into work today, coffee spilt, phone forgot in bed, and log onto the interwebs to find that Bruce Russell contributed the following piece to Volcanic Tongue on the genesis of the NZ Underground on the occasion of the latest FN comp he organized.... [ Read More → ]

Recent NZ Gems Uploaded in Youtube-Land
R. Kellie
on 02/21/12
‘Slammerworm’ has been uploading more NZ gems and segments from the Onset-Offset VHS compilation. Hopefully he will be uploading the rest of the tape soon. (Yes, I asked.) The Policy in their practice room, 1984. Original video filmed and edited by Campbell McLay and Ritchie Venus for the Onset-Offset video compilatiion ‘Get Up and Go’.... [ Read More → ]

New Popstrangers Vid
R. Kellie
on 12/14/11
My favorite of the new Flying Nun bands. These guys came over for CMJ and played a handful of really brilliant shows. Hoping they come back soon, so more people in the states can check them out. They are pressing a double a side to vinyl in the new The generic drugs are therapeutically equivalent... [ Read More → ]

Getting Even Older- Flying Nun Celebrates 30 Years, 1981-2011
R. Kellie
on 09/18/11
This November, NZ’s Flying Nun records will celebrate their 30th year as a label. Record store-proprietor-turned-label founder, Roger Shepherd recently discussed the upcoming festivities and reissues on Kiwi FM. Several new releases are slated for 2011 (including Popstrangers, Surf Friends, T54, and Grayson Gilmour), they’ll release “Tally Ho” a best of CD comp (paying homage... [ Read More → ]